Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Torrent Isohunt

No matter how busy you are, you can always find the time to squeeze in one of my 10-minute workouts . . . With these breakthrough workouts and my easy-to-follow eating plan, you’ll lose weight, get toned, and have plenty of time left over!

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Our Price:$79.90

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Give Me 10 Minutes—I’ll Give You Results!

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The workout for the busiest people!
‘m Tony Horton, and for over 20 years, I’ve trained clients from celebrities and CEOs to full-time moms. And they all have the same excuse—not enough time. That’s why I developed 10-Minute Trainer.

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Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

Our Price:$79.90

(Choose different levels of resistance in next step)

A review of the new fitness program on GaiamTV

Tony Horton does it again! The master trainer and creator of fitness classics like the P90 and P90x series, has created a brand new workout. And it’s not available through Beachbody! GaiamTV has partnered with Tony to bring to us Next Level, and let me tell you….it’s AMAZING. If you love Tony’s workouts and his goofy style, and if you want to work hard and take care of your body, this is the workout for you. I’ve just completed the program and I’m obsessed. Keep reading for my Next Level by Tony Horton review.

What is Next Level?

Next Level is a workout program available on Amazon Prime’s GaiamTV channel. (Available through Prime via a $6.99 monthly subscription). It is not affiliated with Beachbody. This is mindblowing for those of us who have been around Beachbody for a while! However, I am super happy that Tony did create this new relationship with Gaiam. I’ll get into more about why below.

Next Level is suitable for all fitness abilities. There are three demonstrators for every workout, one for each level of fitness. Level 1 is for those just beginning (or for me when things got hard, TBH!). Level 2 is the goal level, where Tony says we should all aim to be. If you can hang with Level 2 throughout, you’re a fit person. Level 3 is for the super-fit – those who can push themselves beyond what the average fit person can do.

The cast is made up of a lot of familiar faces (for those of us who’ve done Tony’s other workouts), plus some new ones too. Tony chose his fitness friends to help him in this series. It shows as they joke with each other throughout every workout.

The Workouts

The program is separated into Season 1 and Season 2. Season 1 has 8 workouts, plus an intro episode which explains the program, and an interview with Tony Horton. Season 2 has 12 workouts, plus a fitness test.

The workouts cover all angles – from weight training to MMA to cardio to yoga and stretching. There is no calendar to follow, but in the intro video Tony recommends alternating between strength training and cardio, while mixing in a recovery workout every few days.

Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Torrent Isohunt

The Time Commitment

The workouts range from 25 minutes, to 1 hour and 10 minutes. Most of them fall in the 50 minute range.

Now, in the age of quick workouts, this might seem like a lot. But here is where I want to talk about why I’m so glad Tony has left Beachbody to make this program.


In recent years, Beachbody has shifted their focus to heavily market towards the “busy parent trying to squeeze in a workout” crowd. There is nothing wrong with that – heck, I’m a busy parent trying to squeeze in my workouts too. However, that means that their programs have become shorter and shorter and shorter. Gone are days of P90x and 90 minute workout sessions. Beachbody programs have gone from 25 minutes (T25), to 22 minutes (22 Minute Hard Corp) to 20 minutes (Transform: 20).

I do see the value in offering a 20 minute at-home workout – if you only have 20 minutes, it is better to do that than do nothing at all! But there are a few problems with this approach. For starters, while it’s great to go from sedentary to 20 minute workouts, you aren’t going to push your fitness to the next level (no pun intended!) in 20 minutes. So if you are a fit person, you might find that 20 minute workouts are just keeping you at the status quo. But you’ve hit a plateau where you aren’t actually getting fitter or stronger. Sure, you may sweat a lot. But your fitness isn’t improving.

Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Torrent Isohunt 2017

And let’s talk about safety

But more importantly – a 20 minute workout makes you totally at risk for injury. There is NO WAY to properly warm up or cool down in 20 minutes. Especially when these workouts are designed to create the maximum amount of sweat in the shortest amount of time. The trainer may instruct you to cool down after the video. But if it’s not part of the actual workout, are you really going to do it?

Which brings me back to Next Level. Throughout the workouts, Tony makes it very clear that he is thrilled to be with Gaiam because they are letting him do what he thinks is necessary to keep us safe. (alluding to the fact that Beachbody was forcing him into the 22 minute workout format without ever saying it directly). And what he thinks is necessary is a long warm up, and a long cool down. At 60 years old, if Tony says that’s what will keep me moving like him at his age, then I’m going to do it!

Aside from the stretching and yoga days, each workout has a 5-10 minute warm up, and a 5-10 minute cool down. For some of the more intense workouts, the cool down is basically a 10 minute yoga class! Tony has always been big on yoga, and even more so as he gets older. I think that’s great! I honestly do not enjoy cardio, but looking forward to a 10 minute mini-yoga class at the end helps me get through it.

Equipment Needed

Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Torrent Isohunt Download

The equipment needed is really minimal, and you probably already have most of it.

A simple weight set with a few options is necessary. You’ll also need resistance bands in different strengths for the Joint Saver workout. Some of the cast use portable kettle bells for Level 3 options, which Tony raves about. But they aren’t necessary – you can do the same moves with the weights. Tony also always recommends push-up stands to protect your wrists during push-ups (again, only a recommendation and not mandatory). Finally, you will need a pull up bar for Push Pull Palooza, but can just skip that workout if don’t have one, or modify with a resistance band and door hook. (you’ll have to figure out this modification on your own though, since only the pull-up option is shown).

My Tony Horton Next Level Review

I loved it! Now, to be clear, I have also loved all of Tony’s P90 and P90x workouts. (I’ve done P90x3 4 times from start to finish). I am a huge fan of his style and his goofiness makes me laugh. I know that he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Some people do not enjoy his sense of humor. If you are one of those people, you should probably skip this program. An hour and 10 minutes of cardio is a long time to be listening to someone who annoys you! But if you love Tony in all his goofy glory, you’ll love these workouts.

I do wish that it came with some sort of schedule to follow. I am capable of alternating strength and cardio on my own, but like I may have mentioned a million times throughout this blog, I hate cardio. So when I don’t have a schedule telling me I have to do it, I’m more likely to “feel sore” that day and need to do a stretching workout instead. 😉 A calendar would have kept me more accountable, because I’m a sucker for checking things off of lists.

I also do wish there was a little more weight training. There are a few workouts that require weights, but most of the strength training is body weight resistance. (Push Pull Palooza is a workout and you can guess what that means…).

I honestly did LOVE the long workouts. Yes, I had to wake up a little earlier. But I loved not feeling rushed. And having a full hour to really focus on me was the perfect way to start my day. And the feeling of accomplishment after a one hour workout is just the best.

Final thoughts on Next Level

Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Torrent Isohunt Download

So, I highly recommend Next Level to all fitness levels and abilities. From newbies to professional athletes, there is a version for everyone to follow. Dedicate this time to yourself daily and you’ll see your fitness truly go to the next level!

I hope this Next Level by Tony Horton review was helpful! Have you tried this program? Tell me what you thought in the comments!