Skyrim Special Edition Legendary Skills

  1. Skyrim Legendary Edition Vs Special Edition
  2. Skyrim Special Edition Legendary Skills Abilities
  3. Skyrim Special Edition Making Skills Legendary
  4. Skyrim Special Edition Legendary Skills Mod
  5. Skyrim Legendary Vs Special
  6. What Is Skyrim Legendary Edition
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Legendary skills level up normally, and have no added benefits compared with non-Legendary skills. The purpose of making a skill Legendary is to allow it to contribute to increasing character level again. In Skyrim, character levels are gained by leveling up one's Skills. It turns out there's more to Skyrim: Special Edition than just prettier graphics and some performance improvements. There's a bundle of minor, undocumented changes between the two versions that.

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The skills menu

There are 18 skills in Skyrim, each of which determines how well various tasks can be performed. As skills are used, they increase in level, which increases the character's overall level. The starting value for most skills is 15, although each race confers bonuses to certain skills. Skills can also be increased by reading skill books, learning from trainers, or as a reward for completing certain quests.

Guards will often comment on your skills when you are near them.

Total Perks (180/251) †
Magic (73/86)Combat (55/91)Stealth (52/74)
Alteration (10/14)Archery (9/16)Alchemy (9/15)
Conjuration (15/16)Block (9/13)Light Armor (6/10)
Destruction (14/17)Heavy Armor (8/12)Lockpicking (11/11)
Enchanting (9/13)One-handed (10/21)Pickpocket (8/12)
Illusion (13/13)Smithing (10/10)Sneak (9/13)
Restoration (12/13)Two-handed (9/19)Speech (9/13)

† (Unique Perks/All Ranks)


Perks are a new feature in Skyrim. Each skill has its own associated perks, which can be unlocked when a character advances a level. 180 skill perks are available, 251 if including all ranks for each perk. The perks are all detailed on the individual skill pages, along with their requirements. One perk point is given to the character when the character's overall level increases. The maximum value for unused perk points is 255, four more than required for every perk. Leveling up with 255 unused perk points will cause the counter to roll back to zero and restart.

Most perks have both a skill level requirement and a prerequisite perk that must first be unlocked to make the perk available.

  • When a prerequisite perk has more than one rank, only the first rank needs to be unlocked to make the next perk available. For example, to unlock Enchanting's 'Fire Enchanter' skill, only the first rank of 'Enchanter' needs to be unlocked, not all five ranks.
  • When a skill has two prerequisite perks, only one of the two perks needs to be unlocked to make the next perk available. For example, to unlock the 'Extra Effect' skill under Enchanting, only 'Storm Enchanter' or 'Corpus Enchanter' needs to be unlocked.
  • Perk points cannot be changed or undone once spent.
    • With Dragonborn installed, perks may be undone and redistributed at the cost of one dragon soul per skill tree once you have completed the add-on's main quest. See this page for details.
    • The Official Skyrim Patch version 1.9 allows a skill at level 100 to be made Legendary, which will reset the skill to level 15 and refund all perk points allocated to that skill, making them available for reallocation wherever you see fit.
  • Players cannot 'loop round' later perks to unlock earlier ones. An example of this would be the Smithing skill tree; on the left-hand side of the circle are light armor perks, on the right are heavy armor perks, meeting in the middle at dragon armor at level 100. Although the dragon armor perk is visibly joined to both the glass armor and daedric armor perks, it is not possible to unlock all 3 without first acquiring all the prerequisite light and heavy armor perks.
  • Prior to Patch 1.9, it is only possible for a character to unlock 80 of the 251 skill perks; PC users can use the console command player.addperk to unlock any desired perk.

Skill Advancement[edit]

The skill advancement mechanism differs between skills. For example, by selling higher value items to merchants, the player gains experience in their Speech skill. Smithing skill increases have been altered by Patch 1.5, they now increase more depending on value of forged equipment. When using a grindwheel or table, the amount by which the enhanced equipment value goes up defines how much experience is gained for it. With 90 smithing and 100% smithing enchanted gear, enhancing an ebony bow from base quality increases experience almost by an entire level. For more details, see each skill's article.

Trainers can help level up a skill for a maximum of five times per character level. Unused training sessions do not carry over to the next level.

For information on how to gain free skill boosts, see this page.

Legendary Skills[edit]

The skills menu showing Legendary Skills and broken level cap

Version 1.9 of the Official Skyrim patch allows skills to be reset to their minimum of level 15 and subsequently retrained to gain further experience, while refunding any perk points allocated to that skill. Being able to gain extra experience this way, by leveling a skill from 15 to 100 twice (or more) instead of once, allows the player to exceed the previous level cap of 81, and eventually gain enough skill perks to have all the perks for all skills, at the cost of their current proficiency in the skill every time it is made 'legendary'. Each skill can be reset multiple times, and they will be marked with the symbol of the Imperial Dragon and a number indicating how many times it has been reset if done so multiple times. In order to unlock all skill perks, the player needs to reach level 252. For a level 81 player with all skills at 100, this requires skills be reset 147 times (or, on average, 8 or 9 resets of EACH skill - although it is better to reset some skills more often than others, and others only a few times or even not at all), with each skill that was reset brought back to level 100.

Note, however, that if the player ever reaches more than 255 unspent perk points, the number of perk points available rolls over to zero at 256 unspent points and starts over, causing you to lose those points.

Some things need to be borne in mind when making a skill Legendary.

  • Gaining extra levels - from regaining skills - can, up to a point, result in monsters that scale to your level getting tougher, while you're temporarily weaker on account of having given up a skill. Make sure you still have the ability to defeat tough foes even if it's a weapon or Armor skill that you reset (e.g. have a powerful follower, or don't reset all your weapon skills at once.)
  • You don't, of course, regain the ability to gain skill points from a book to boost the skill, or any of the other one-off rewards that you used on the way up. So you're going to have to re-level most skills the hard way.
  • If you have learned a spell, you keep that spell, and can thus cast high-level spells at low-level skill, to level up quickly - as long as you have the magicka for it. This applies to Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Illusion, Alteration. And of course if you have enchanted gear that reduces spell costs, this still works. Note that Destruction spells require a target, Conjuration spells require the presence of a foe, Alteration requires a thing to be altered, Illusion can require people to trick (including civilians and non-combatants), and Restoration healing spells need to actually heal damage which means that you or somebody nearby have to have been hurt. Undead-turning spells require the presence of an undead - of course this may include you if you are a vampire. Some of the spell skills which are the hardest to reach level 100 in the first place, are the easiest ones to Legendary over and over again if you are properly prepared.
  • Knowledge of alchemical properties and enchantments is of course retained. (This also means, no more gaining experience by re-learning an alchemical property, or disenchanting an item, but you already know the good recipes.) You're limited by how many ingredients you can get hold of, so stock up.
  • Although armor, block and smithing skills can be reduced to nothing, you obviously still keep the good quality armor you found or made earlier - and all the Health from the previous actual levels you've gained - so you can train up Armor and Block skills very quickly by equipping your best armor and going toe-to-toe with a giant, which of course wasn't possible when trying to level up armor the first time. Going toe-to-toe against a giant with low Armor skills is also a good opportunity to boost Restoration in the process.
  • Likewise, weapons and weapon skills (One-handed, Two-handed, Archery). Note that enchantment damage on weapons (+fire, +frost, +shock etc.) does not contribute towards the skill. It appears that increasing a weapon's damage by tempering it, or putting perk points in the weapon skill, does not actually cause the skill to increase any faster: indeed, by doubling the damage output without actually doubling the experience gained, you end up needing to find twice as many enemies if you want to level up against enemies, rather than by training against an essential/regenerating non-hostile target (e.g. Shadowmere, Hadvar, Ralof). So for the most efficient retraining, you want a weapon made of the highest quality material but not tempered or enchanted. 'Bound' weapons (classing as Daedric) qualify for this, as do actual daedric, ebony or dragonbone.
  • Losing all the Smithing perks means that you can't improve future weapons to the same degree as before, until you regain the skill level and perks. (And all those iron building materials that you made for the 'Hearthfire' homes don't need to be made a second time.) Jewelry, of course, is unaffected by this, since it requires no perks: and you are free to stock up as many ore ingots as you wish to use in regaining skill levels. Stocking up on high quality Fortify Smithing potions helps give more skill xp from tempering, but not from initially forging a weapon or making jewelry.
  • Lockpicking has the awkward feature that if you have already picked a given lock, but it has since reset to locked (e.g. a house overnight, or a door or chest in a dungeon that has respawned after clearing), you do not get experience for picking that lock a second time. So it is possible, and eventually inevitable, to actually run out of locks to pick that will actually improve your skill. Even the training locks in the Thieves Guild are subject to this: and once this hits, you eventually get to a place where Lockpicking can only be boosted by paying gold for training (limited to 5x per level) or breaking lockpicks while failing to pick a lock. Failing to pick a lock with the Skeleton Key gives no experience, since the Skeleton Key does not break... Thus, Lockpicking is probably better to keep at 100 and never make it legendary at all, or at least not more than once (there are enough locks in the game to level Lockpicking up to 100 at least twice, maybe three times if you really cast around and have all the expansions).
  • A lot of pickpocketable items do not respawn in the pockets of people around the kingdom: so you can likewise run low on pockets to pick when trying to level it a second time. There is, however, always the option of paying for training (in any skill, doesn't even have to be pickpocketing) and pickpocketing the gold back, or indeed of doing 'fishing' (pickpocket) jobs for Delvin Mallory in the Thieves Guild, since this creates items in the target's pockets to be picked. The latter is reliable but can be a bit slow because of all the travelling involved. Leveling Pickpocket up to 100 a second time should be entirely possible.
  • A merchant who has been invested in with the 'Investor' perk, does not lose that investment when you lose the perk - they retain the higher amount of gold even when you no longer have the perk. Conversely, you cannot invest with them a second time after re-leveling Speech to a high enough level to re-gain the perk. The same is also true of the extra 1000 gold that each merchant gains with the Master Trader perk: they keep it even after you have given up the perk. So even after leveling Speech back up to 100, there is technically no need to put the point back in this perk. However, losing the Merchant and Fence perks removes the ability to sell any item, or stolen items, to any merchant: so you will have to re-allocate points to these perks when your Speech gets back to the appropriate level (and of course re-allocate the 'Investor' perk en route because it is a prerequisite for 'Fence'.) At the very least you'll want 'Merchant' back at level 50, just for the convenience.
  • All the various Speech challenges (persuade / intimidate / bribe) can usually only be done once - the few exceptions (other than bribing / persuading respawning guards to ignore a crime) are glitches, mostly fixed by the Unofficial Patch - so if you decide to make Speech legendary, chances are that your only way of regaining the experience is buying and selling items, and that's going to be a LOT of gold value of items bought and sold. High level Alchemy and Smithing are essential for producing such items to sell, as is setting up all the Thieves Guild fences in advance since they have a much higher gold max.
  • Especially if you haven't exploited the synergy of Fortify Alchemy / Enchant / Restoration to make gear with stats and value in the millions. Of course if you *have* exploited that glitch, it's possible to have glitched Fortify Enchant + Smithing potions and Fortify Alchemy + Smithing equipment to be able to boost Alchemy and Smithing from 15 to 100 in one go, then sell an item created that way to boost Speech from 15 to 100 in one go... But that would be cheating, surely. In any case, it has been fixed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, in both Legendary and Special Editions. Without this exploit, it may be a better policy *not* to make Speech legendary - especially considering the loss (albeit temporary) of the Merchant and Fence perks: if you want to do it, do it just once.
  • Since Enchanting skill gains are based only on the number of items enchanted, or soul gems used to recharge depleted items, leveling Enchanting is no different the second time to the first. Even potions of Fortify Enchant don't affect the skill gains. Stocking up on filled soul gems and items to enchant, is what you need.
  • Sneak is likewise pretty much exactly the same to level up a second or subsequent time, as it was the first time round. It's just easier to do once you know where to find the right kind of situation to train sneaking.


Achievements related to skills are:

  • Artificer (10 points/Bronze) — Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion
  • Reader (20 points/Bronze) — Read 50 Skill Books
  • Thief (30 points/Silver) — Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets
  • Skill Master (40 points/Silver) — Get a skill to 100
  • Snake Tongue (10 points/Bronze) — Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate


  • When pending a character level increase, leveling up skills will add to the progress bar of the next level.
  • In the skills menu, the nebulae in the backgrounds of the three different categories of skills have the shape of the correspondent category: a mage for the magic skills, a thief for the stealth skills, and a warrior for the combat skills.
  • Some quests are only offered to characters who have certain sufficiently developed skills, specifically, the quests given by mages of the College of Winterhold when you have reached a skill level of 90 or 100 in one of the six schools of magic.
  • Increasing developed skills leads to faster character level increases.
  • Faster skill increases are possible by activating certain Standing Stones.
    • Even though Archery is considered a Combat Skill, Thief Stone enhances the skill gain in Archery, not Warrior Stone.
  • If you are using a potion or spell that modifies one or more of the skills, making those skills Legendary will cause those modified skills to not level up again. To fix this, be sure that the spell effect has expired, so that the skill being reset will default back to their normal start level. To be sure you have it set correctly, the skill level should appear in white, instead of the green or red used for modified levels. [verification needed — Is this a bug?]
  • Because Skyrim does not have classes, the distinction between major and minor skills from previous Elder Scrolls games does not exist any more — characters do not have a predetermined list of skills that increase more quickly.
  • Skills from Oblivion that have been removed without a singularly-defined replacement include:
    • Armorer: Weapons and armor no longer require repair, though smithing allows the player to improve these items and create new weapons and armor.
    • Athletics and Acrobatics: Running, jumping, and swimming ability are now based entirely on race though you can sprint longer with more stamina.
    • Blade and Blunt: Weapon skills are instead divided into One-handed and Two-handed skills. Perks within those skills allow you to specialize in certain weapon types.
    • Hand to Hand: No true replacement, although various features enhance unarmed combat (Khajiit have claw attacks; a Heavy Armor perk increases hand-to-hand damage; an enchantment effect for increased hand-to-hand damage exists via the Gloves of the Pugilist)
    • Mercantile and Speechcraft: Combined into the Speech skill.
    • Mysticism: Spells shifted to other magic skills
  • Skills from Oblivion that have been renamed:
    • Marksman: Replaced with Archery
    • Security: Replaced with Lockpicking
  • Skills from pre-Oblivion games that have returned:
    • Morrowind's Enchant returns as Enchanting.
    • Daggerfall's Pickpocket returns as Pickpocket.
Archery •Block •Heavy Armor •One-handed •Smithing •Two-handed
Alteration •Conjuration •Destruction •Enchanting •Illusion •Restoration
Alchemy •Light Armor •Lockpicking •Pickpocket •Sneak •Speech
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Skill: Block

Block allows you to reduce damage from melee and ranged combat, using a shield, a torch, a one-handed weapon, or a two-handed weapon. As perks are gained, Block allows you to do additional damage, disarm your opponent, and gain other benefits as below. The Block skill tree has a total of 9 perks, requiring a total of 13 perk points to fill.

In-game Description: The art of blocking an enemy's blows with a shield or weapon. Blocking reduces the damage and staggering from physical attacks.

  • 2Skill Usage
  • 3Skill Increases

Skill Perks[edit]

Shield Wall
Deflect Arrows
Block Runner
Elemental Protection
Quick Reflexes
Power Bash
Deadly Bash
Disarming Bash
Shield Charge
PerkRankDescriptionIDSkill Req.Perk Req.
Shield Wall1Blocking is 20% more effective. (Actually 10%)‡‡000bccae
2Blocking is 25% more effective. (Actually 20%)‡‡0007935520 Block
3Blocking is 30% more effective.0007935640 Block
4Blocking is 35% more effective. (Actually 40%)‡‡0007935760 Block
5Blocking is 40% more effective. (Actually 50%)‡‡0007935880 Block
Deflect ArrowsArrows that hit the shield do no damage.††00058f6830 BlockShield Wall
Elemental ProtectionBlocking with a shield reduces incoming fire, frost, and shock damage by 50%.00058f6950 BlockDeflect Arrows
Block RunnerAble to move faster with a shield or weapon raised.‡‡0010625370 BlockElemental Protection
Power BashAble to do a power bash.00058f6730 BlockShield Wall
Deadly BashBashing does five times more damage.0005f59450 BlockPower Bash
Disarming BashChance to disarm when power bashing. (50% chance)‡‡00058f6670 BlockDeadly Bash
Shield ChargeSprinting with a shield raised knocks down most targets.‡‡00058f6a100 BlockDisarming Bash or Block Runner
Quick ReflexesTime slows down if you are blocking during an enemy's power attack.‡‡000d8c3330 BlockShield Wall
Only works when using a shield.
††This has a bug which is fixed by the Official Skyrim Patch; see the bugs section for details.
‡‡This has a bug which is fixed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch; see the bugs section for details.

Skill Usage[edit]

Defensive Blocking[edit]

To block, hold the Left Hand (block) control. You can block with a shield, a torch, a one-handed weapon, or a two-handed weapon. To block with a shield or torch, equip one to your left hand. To block with a one-handed or two-handed weapon, equip it before using the block control. To block with a one-handed weapon, equip it in your right hand, as equipping it in the left hand is considered dual-wielding. You cannot block if you have a weapon or spell equipped in your left hand.

While blocking, your movement speed is reduced unless you have the Block Runner perk.

The Elemental Protection perk blocks damage to your health from spells that hit you from any direction, not just spells that hit your shield. Its damage reduction stacks with other spell resistances (e.g., resist fire) but it will reduce only health damage. The perk does not reduce damage to stamina from frost spells or to magicka from lightning spells

Damage Reduction from Blocking[edit]

Blocking reduces the damage that an actor (including player character) receives to his health from a physical attack. The block cap is 85%, which means with a successful block you can negate 85% of the incoming damage. Against normal attacks (not power attacks), most shields will be able to reach the cap with 100 block skill and all Shield Wall perks. Blocking stacks with damage reduction from armor, leading to a possible 97% damage reduction.

Effectiveness of this reduction is determined by several factors:

  • whether the block is performed with a weapon or with a shield;
  • block skill of the blocking actor;
  • shield wall perks the blocking actor has; and
  • magical Fortify Block effects on the blocking actor.
Formulas for blocked damage

Skyrim Legendary Edition Vs Special Edition

  • Only base (not tempered) armor rating of a shield affects blocked damage, although current armor values for the shield will still contribute to overall damage reduction. The base armor ratings of shields can be found on the Armor page.
  • Only the base weapon damage of an enemy affects blocked damage, and even then, only when blocking with a weapon. The base damage of weapons can be found on the Weapons page. Note that base weapon damage is 0 for an unarmed attacker, such as any animal, which will negate how much your block skill contributes to blocking. This means all weapons you can block with block damage equally well, including your fists, but harder hitting weapons base are easier to block (using smithing to set their damage values to the same number, a warhammer and a dagger of the same material will find the warhammer more easily blocked and doing less damage).
Blocked Damage with a Weapon
Blocked Damage with a Shield
Blocked Damage with a Weapon with 100 skill and all 5 perks
Blocked Damage with a Shield with 100 skill and all 5 perks

As you can see, even without enchantments or potions, a shield needs only an armor rating of 23.33... or higher to reach the 85% cap against normal attacks (this means a chitin shield or better for light shields, or a steel shield or better for heavy shields). When blocking power attacks, 'Blocked Damage %' is multiplied by the fBlockPowerAttackMult variable, which is set to 0.66, so it will block less damage. This implies that to get the full 85% block cap for most shields under all types of attacks (normal or power), a further 52% (1 / 0.66 - 1) Fortify Block is required using any combination of enchantments/potions in addition to having 100 Block skill and all shield wall perks, if you had a 23.33... shield. Without any enchantments or potions, with full skill and perks, you would need a shield with a base armor rating of 81.7171... or higher, which does not exist in the game. How much fortify block you need is higher the worse your shield; to provide some perspective, here is how well every forgeable shield in the game works, plus Spellbreaker (remember, you can't actually put a custom enchantment on Spellbreaker; it is only there for perspective):

Name (ID)Base Block PercentPower Attack Block PercentFortify Block Needed
Hide Shield
Iron Shield
Elven Shield
Bonemold ShieldDB
Banded Iron Shield
Steel Shield
Chitin ShieldDB
Improved Bonemold ShieldDB
Dwarven Shield
Nordic ShieldDB
Glass Shield
Dragonscale Shield
Stalhrim ShieldDB
Orcish Shield
Ebony Shield
Dragonplate Shield
Daedric Shield

The use of NPC's weapon damage instead of the actor's in the block calculation is most likely a bug, as creatures do not carry weapons and blocking with a weapon against a creature always blocks 30% times multipliers. By contrast, if the actor's weapon damage used, instead of warhammers being easier to block than daggers, warhammers become easier to block with than daggers.

  • Shield Wall Perk: How much extra block you get from shield wall. (10% = 0.1 and 50% = 0.5)
  • Enchantment#X: How much extra block you get from fortify block enchantments. (18% = 0.18 and 95% = 0.95)
  • Potion: How much extra block you get a fortify block potion. (25% = 0.25)
  • fBlockWeaponBase = 0.30 is the base value of blocking with a weapon (or a torch)
  • fShieldBaseFactor = 0.45 is the base value of blocking with a shield
  • fBlockWeaponScaling = 0.2 is the scaling factor of blocking with a weapon.
  • fShieldScalingFactor = 0.2 is the scaling factor of blocking with a shield.


Tapping the attack button while blocking will bash your opponent with a shield or weapon. Bashing is an attack to an opponent's health; it carries a chance of staggering an opponent and of interrupting an opponent's power attack. This applies to dragons as well, whose 'power attacks' are shouts. If you acquire the Power Bash, Deadly Bash, or Disarming Bashperks, press and hold—instead of tapping—the attack button while blocking to achieve the associated benefit. You can bash (with or without benefits from perks) with two-handed weapons as well as shields; but if equipped with a bow, you can perform only a regular bash. Bashing with a torch will set opponents afire.

The damage that a bash inflicts depends on the base armor rating (for shields) or the base damage rating (for weapons). Weapons deal more damage than shields. A Power Bash inflicts 3 times as much damage.

Blocking an incoming attack uses a small amount of stamina. Bashing consumes a notable amount (35), while power bashing uses significantly more (55).

Formulas for players bash damage
Formulas for enemies bash damage

Fortify Block enchantments and potions do not increase bash damage. The highest possible damage with a weapon is 105 (Dragonbone Warhammer) and 71.25 with a shield (Spellbreaker).

Game Settings affecting bashing
  • fWeaponBashMax: 0.25
  • fWeaponBashMin: 0.1
  • fWeaponBashPCMax: 0.5
  • fWeaponBashPCMin: 0.1
  • fShieldBashMax: 0.25
  • fShieldBashMin: 0.05
  • fShieldBashPCMax: 0.25
  • fShieldBashPCMin: 0.1
  • fStaminaBashBase: 35.0
  • fStaminaPowerBashBase: 55.0

Skill Increases[edit]

If you consume vegetable soup or any food item that regenerates stamina over 720 seconds, you can shield bash or power bash an unlimited number of times, resulting in your target being continually staggered (or stun locked) and unable to attack you. This will slowly kill them and level your Block very quickly while protecting you from damage. If you want to level Block quickly, do not take the Deadly Bash perk, as even on Master difficulty you will quickly kill bosses with shield bash.

You can also quickly increase your block skill by engaging a weak opponent, such as a single mudcrab, and continually blocking its repeated attacks. Holding down your block button should increase your blocking by at least 2-3 levels per minute. This only works effectively at lower levels. At early-medium levels, stronger opponents can do the same thing: e.g., wolves and their variants. It is more convenient if you can position yourself next to a barrier (such as a tree). This will reduce the amount of maneuvering you will need to do because the opponent will often attack you from different angles. Standing next to a tree reduces the frequency of this.

For mid-high levels, the same technique can be used against giants and mammoths. If you wish to level up your block skill later in the game, some ideal opponents are the Draugr Deathlord or Dwarven Centurion, because of their powerful physical attacks. By continuously blocking such attacks, healing your health and stamina as necessary, you can raise your block skill from its base level to level 75 in about 10 minutes, and to 100 in about 20 minutes.

Using 4 Block enchantments (40% each on shield, hands, finger and neck), the Warrior Stone, the Lovers' Comfort bonus, and the Lovers Stone (via the Aetherial Crown) Block can go from 15 to 100 in under 13 minutes by engaging a single giant on Legendary difficulty.

If your blocks are very strong, you can get the last points by blocking dragons after forcing them to land (about 5 hits by an Ancient Dragon for one level when over 90).

Once you become the Harbinger of the Companions, you can exploit the Follower/Trainer method with Njada Stonearm.

If you got into a brawl, you can equip a shield and a healing spell (or otherwise restore your health) to block attacks and protect against too much damage. Bashing also increases points toward raising your Block level, while brawling or otherwise.

Skyrim Special Edition Legendary Skills Abilities

Character Creation[edit]

The following races provide initial skill bonuses in Block:

  • +5 bonus: Imperial, Nord, Orc, Redguard


  • Njada Stonearm of the Companions in Whiterun (Expert)
  • Chief Larak in Mor Khazgur (Master)

Skill Books[edit]

Free Skill Boosts[edit]

  • +1 Block (as well as One-handed) from Amren (Whiterun) for finding his family sword.
  • +1 Block from Roggi Knot-Beard (Kynesgrove) for finding his ancestral shield.
  • +1 Block (and all other combat skills) from Giraud Gemane (Bards College) for completing the quest Rjorn's Drum.
  • +1 Block (as well as One-handed) from the Ghost of Old Hroldan (Old Hroldan Inn) for completing the quest The Ghost of Old Hroldan.
  • +1 Block from Horgeir (Dragon Bridge) for giving the mead to him instead of his wife during the quest Dragon's Breath Mead.
  • +1 Block (and Archery, Heavy Armor, and One-handed) from Wulf Wild-BloodDB for finding his brother during Filial BondsDB.
  • +5 Block (and all other combat skills) by selecting 'The Path of Might' from the Oghma Infinium after completing the quest Discerning the Transmundane.

Gaining Skill XP[edit]

  • In Skyrim, Block skill gains are based on the amount of damage resisted when blocking, regardless of the shield used. Whether you use a Light Armor shield or a Heavy Armor shield, it levels up just the same. Also, blocking with a shield does not contribute to raising the Light Armor or Heavy Armor skill, only Blocking (you should not Block if you want to level up the Armor trees instead).
  • Blocking with a shield grants 2 times the XP compared to blocking with a weapon. (fWeaponBlockSkillUseMult=1.0, fBlockSkillUseMult=2.0)
  • Bashing with a shield grants 5 times the XP compared to bashing with a weapon. (fWeaponBashSkillUseBase=1.0, fShieldBashSkillUseBase=5.0)
  • Enchantments, potions, spells and skill perks that increase the percentage of damage blocked will increase the XP gained per block (up to the block cap of 85% or armor cap of 80%).
  • Performing shield bashes increases the skill considerably less than simply blocking, and costs a lot of stamina. Use enchants, potions, and food to regenerate faster, if you choose to level it this way.
  • Experience is gained when using weapons for blocking or bashing, as well as when using shields.
  • Regenerate Health potions and enchantments can help staying alive while training, potentially allowing to leave the game unattended. This can also be accomplished with natural health regeneration during brawling sessions with NPCs or fighting very weak enemies like skeevers, though skill gains will be very slow.
  • Using the Spellbreaker shield allows you to train Block against tougher, magic-wielding opponents, such as conjured Dremora Lords.

Skyrim Special Edition Making Skills Legendary


  • Blocking is also useful when being bombarded by arrows. The Deflect Arrows perk increases the effectiveness of blocking arrows, but, since the hard cap of blocking is 85%, the Deflect Arrows perk does not reduce the damage to zero, rather only by 85% (and you can get this damage reduction percentage without it, particularly since arrows won't power attack). This is fixed by the official patch (see below).
  • Armor rating high enough to reduce physical damage by 80% (the hard cap for physical damage resistance from armor rating) combined with physical damage resistance from blocking (the hard cap for which is 85%) can aggregate to as much as 97% total physical damage resistance.
  • With the Block Runner perk, one can sneak at running speeds while holding block. This, and a similar effect with Shield Charge, are deemed to be bugs by the USKP, which, as of version 1.3.2, disables the perks completely while sneaking.
  • The Block Runner perk benefit continues even if the perk is later removed.
  • Weapons are worse for blocking a creature or weaponless opponent than even the weakest hide shield: with no perks and skill of 0 a weapon would block 30% of damage and hide shield would block 48%; with no perks and skill of 100 a weapon will block 30% and hide shield will block 52.5%.
  • Shield bashing can be used to wake up draugr in tombs propped against walls, similarly to how Unrelenting Force can wake up draugr in tombs on the floor.
  • Disarming Bash only works if the enemy is mid swing. So wait for them to start an attack, and then perform a power bash.

Skyrim Special Edition Legendary Skills Mod


  • Shield Charge may stop working after some playing time.
    • To fix this, use the console command player.removeperk 00058F6A to remove it and player.addperk 00058F6A to add it back.
    • Exiting the game and restarting also fixes this.
  • Shield Charge can be exploited for use with two-handed weapons or one-handed weapons without a shield. See the block discussion archive page for an explanation. ?
  • Shield Wall's listed values are incorrect. It actually improves blocking effectiveness by 10% for each rank.
    • This issue has been addressed by version 1.1 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch; the perk description was corrected to reflect the actual values.
  • Sometimes, when fighting with the Quick Reflexes perk, the slow time effect will continue indefinitely if you shield bash an opponent while they are power attacking. A variety of methods can be used to break the effect, however the only fool-proof way is to stand in front of an enemy and block until they power attack you again.

    It has been determined that multiple attackers attempting power attacks while you are blocking is the cause of the bug.

    • This issue has been addressed by version 3.0.1 of the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch; USLEEP inserts a script into the magic effect that will cause it to self-terminate if it's still active after two seconds.
    • To fix the problem if you're not on PC, you will have to reload an earlier save.
    • Another quick fix for this bug is to save, quit to the desktop, and relaunch the game.
    • To fix this on a PC, use the console command sgtm 1 to set the time multiplier back to normal.
  • Deflect Arrows sets blocking effectiveness to the maximum value of 85% against all attacks, regardless of your Block skill, Shield Wall ranks, or Fortify Block effects.
    • This bug is fixed by version 1.5 of the Official Skyrim Patch.
  • Occasionally, the Deflect Arrows perk will fail to work. If you put your shield up and block incoming archery attacks, some arrows may still deal damage as though you failed to block at all.
  • Argonians are unable to use Disarming Bash unless they're a vampire.
    • This bug is fixed by version 1.0 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
  • With the Block Runner or Shield Charge perk, one can sneak at running speeds while holding block.
    • This issue has been addressed by version 1.3.2 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch; the patch disables both perks completely while sneaking.
  • Bashing with your shield while equipped with a paralyze-enchanted weapon, has a chance of applying paralyze. ?

Skyrim Legendary Vs Special

Skyrim Special Edition Legendary Skills

What Is Skyrim Legendary Edition

Archery •BlockHeavy Armor •One-handed •Smithing •Two-handed
Alteration •Conjuration •Destruction •Enchanting •Illusion •Restoration
Alchemy •Light Armor •Lockpicking •Pickpocket •Sneak •Speech
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