Very cool. F8 = June 1988)system which Chicago abandoned in 1965, when it changed to the two-letter system.
Is the Coronavirus Crisis Increasing America's Drug Overdoses? I even tested it with some confusing numbers. They could be C's, G's O's, I cant tell. … odes1.htmlYou should be able to find all of your years here. You have some great things at your site.
Russian English
Are you any relation to Jeff Sexton of Kokomo, In? If there is only one letter in the first twopositions, the first number or two numbers refer to productionyear. ON NEWER BIKES: you can find a 4 digit serial number lightly stamped onto the headbadge. I don't remember who it was but hope you can find them and put your lists together. Anyone have more info? Schwinn bicycle serial numbers are located on the underside of the bike, on the opposite side of the location of the service sticker. Tom.
Example:F1T20404 = June, 1981.Imported Schwinn serial sequences depend upon countryof origin. A straight tube one. I have a schwinn stung I got from a garage sale about 7 years ago. Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?!
He holds the copyright on them, starting in the year (©)2001 to the present day. JavaScript is disabled.
Please can someone date this for me, … 8.jpg.html … 1.jpg.html, Home / Contact / About / Links 25 projects and I don't know where to start.. You must log in or register to reply here. ).Example: D72130 = April 1972.
What do you want? I have taken all the schwinn serial numbers from several databases and made a tool that automatically searches for it. The following pages were created by Brian Crawford with the intent of sharing information with all bicycle enthusiasts!
It should be about the same age as the other, going by the seat tube decal. Gene from web site provided this great info on figuring out your old trusty Schwinn;Schwinn Bike Dating After 1965,Schwinn serial number sequences, while appearing to beconfusing on first sight, follow several general rules. Alot to ask, but it would be nice to expand that with the 'lightweights'. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha.
This service works for all cruisers made from 1948 to 1982. What, exactly, is a bike serial number? Chinese Soul: in. Heres a couple of pictures. … ting-2.jpg … 0Sting.jpgAnd what would have been the factory forks? It is sometimes referred to as a bike frame number. exactly, I am not fishing, just providing. I'm trying to ID a Schwinn Sting for a friend and I'm a little lost. I have a 1980 schwinn predator. Nice work ! I can't clearly read the first 2 didgits in the SN#. Or something else like that? Portugese Fact Check: What Power Does the President Really Have Over State Governors? I have a 57 Flying Star B.F. Goodrich edition and it picked it right up. Maybe someone here with more experience could. ).The letters 'I' and 'O' are not used, to avoid mistakingthem for numbers. I'm trying to ID a Schwinn Sting for a friend and I'm a little lost. Records from before 1948 are unavailable; these records were lost in a Schwinn factory fire in 1948.
With all the original prewar bikes out there I think it would be entirely possible. It was a big job, and I am not through yet, but it currently works for most serial numbers that are 6 or 7 characters long. Awesome! Any help is welcome and very much appreciated. Hello, my name is Patrick Sexton and I am the creator of and I have exciting news. ). They could be C's, G's O's, I cant tell. I really think that it two months or so I will have most of that done. The website is not affiliated with Schwinn. I will be using this with future projects.
I can't find a serial number but I found a production number I think. I have a scrambler and has the serial on the head give but it starts out FU none of the charts I've found list a U they all stop with T. You sure it not just a lightly stamped Q and not a U? This is the metal space that connects the pedals. GO281 i think its a scrambler.. … 9663_n.jpg, G0281 is the production number and not the serial number. there are so many overlapping serial numbers, and i have seen so many people go through lists of serial number and they think they found the right year, but they dont know that Schwinn used the same serial number two or three times. I cant find this bike online anywhere. It's clearly a U here's a pic [img][/img], Hi i was lucky as hell and was able to purchase a RARE Schwinn Azreal frame from the U.K It arrived today and i was hoping to submit b4 and after piks of this rare bike while i build it up again.The problem is that it looks slighty different from the original catalog pik i have so im not sure of the year now.. Can any1 help ? Disable Mobile and two more digits for the productionyear (80 = 1980 etc.). Today I am going to put up the transcribed 1973 and 1974 catalogs. This means you can enter a vintage (1948-1982) schwinn serial number and get info about when it was manufactured. Example:SC94653 = March, 1979. Try the headtube for a serial number on older schwinns...and post a photo for us as well.
Its first two serial numbers are KG according to the seller.But that would make it October 1971.So either KenC is wrong, or the lady read the letters wrong. Since 2006, Rat Rod Bikes has been at the forefront of vintage and custom bike building and restoration. Here's the scoop on 82 and older Schwinn'sSchwinn's 1982 and older had two letters, first one is the month and the second is the year, then it is followed by five or six numbers which is the sequence number.First letter:A = JanuaryB = FebruaryC = MarchD = AprilE = MayF = JuneG = JulyH = AugustJ = SeptemberK = OctoberL = NovemberM = DecemberSecond letter:A = 1965B = 1966C = 1967D = 1968E = 1969F = 1970G = 1971H = 1972J = 1973K = 1974L = 1975M = 1976N = 1977P = 1978Q = 1979R = 1980S = 1981T = 1982 some bikes in 81 & 82 are different.
Korean 81=1981. G=Giant made 02=Feb.
Maybe someone here with more experience could. Deutsch You can see by the pictures that it is a schwinn gt discovery...but like I said...cannot locate this bike online anywhere. However, to make bikes as easy as possible to find, feel free to enter all numbers … Kudos!!!!
Rat Rod Bikes is the premier online resource for custom and vintage bicycle collectors and enthusiasts. I can't clearly read the first 2 didgits in the SN#. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A bike is freedom.
Bicycles from Japan have a production monthletter in either the first or second position and a productionyear number in the other (first or second) position.
I even have a 1948 schwinn catalog which is exciting because there are not even pictures of that catalog available online, it will be great to add that one in the next weeks. The Paramount serial numbers (1970 - 1979)included a production month letter followed by twonumbers indicating production year (79 = 1970, etc. If it was FQ then it would be a 1979 frame. A bike serial number is basically a string of digits that will have between six and 10 numbers in it. cman - thanks for appreciating that. ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. It was made in december of 1980. but the serial number on the bottom is 1. help me!!!! Well done sir.
Nice interface and quick to search. It either gave two possible dates or asked you (w/ pictures) where the serial number is found, then gives you the date. I will have to try it with one of my '66 Stingrays... there is a section in the serial number listing for Jan and Feb 1966 stating 'above number obviously in error'... when in fact they're right, but confusing. I'm lost!! Sounds like you already know what it is. Thanks man! Gary, Thats pretty slick I also through a double either or sn# at it pick it up correctly, could have been '52 or '57 but of coarse being a m/w couldn't have been a '52. I hope you expand back in time before the fire and come up with some sort of framework for the prewar years '33-'41 and the '46-'48 bikes.
The first Varsity came out in 1960, so yours should have one more number or letter in the serial to put it in the right timeframe. It's getting very frustrating. cman - there will be more bike pages eventually, but I am currently working on the catalogs first. THIS CHART APPLIES TO CHICAGO SCHWINN`S ONLY. I contacted someone once that is doing a prewar chart and they have lots of numbers and were moving forward. Schwinn Bike Dating After 1965, Schwinn serial number sequences, while appearing to be confusing on first sight, follow several general rules. This means you can enter a vintage (1948-1982) schwinn serial number and get info about when it was manufactured.
It was a big job, and I am not through yet, but it currently works for most serial numbers that are 6 or 7 characters long. Mind: in the gutter. Important Information!!
Worked on mine! Espanol Can anyone help with the year on this its a lil chic [img][/img], I have a purple Schwimm BMX of my numbers read GO281....but then underneath it says 'MAR781'.
Thanks, I guess the Schwinn on the seat was throwing me off. Examples:J677123 = September, 1976.
; In this picture 200910427-2A is a manufacturer number and not a serial number. Date Codes occupy the first two, three or four positionsin a serial number.Mass produced Schwinn bikes have beenwith year of production (8 = 1978, 0 = 1980). Perhaps there is another number that I overlooked somewhere else on the bike but I looked all over and believe this is the only number. I think I found what I was looking for here : … x?id=13035 Now I can put it on Craigslist.
Yet, quite alarmingly, less than 20 percent of bike owners know their bike’s serial number, as Bicycle Law reports. Site By Clixel,, … odes1.html, … 9663_n.jpg, … ting-2.jpg, … 0Sting.jpg, … AG1877.jpg, … 24be58.jpg, … dd5616.jpg, … x?id=13035, … 8.jpg.html, … 1.jpg.html. Schwinn bicycle serial numbers are located on the underside of the bike, on the opposite side of the location of the service sticker.

Schwinn Year By Serial Number
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Schwinn Serial Numbers 1980's List
Schwinn serial number sequences, while appearing to be confusing on first sight, follow several general rules. If the first letter is a 'A' through 'M' it refers to production month ('A' = January, 'B' = February, etc.). The letters 'I' and 'O' are not used, to avoid mistaking them for numbers. If there is only one letter in the first two. The Earliest Paramount Serial Numbers. The very first Paramounts seemed to have had serial numbers starting with “A” followed by two or three digits. This seems to have been a system started by Emil Wastyn. We found a very early Paramount – claimed to be a 1938-9 vintage – with serial number A545.