Right Align Decimals In Word For Mac

Right align decimals in word for mac x


When you enter some decimal numbers in a Microsoft Word table, the decimal points together with different length of numbers may look messy, and you can hardly tell which one of them is greater and which one is smaller at first glance. But if you can align the decimal points of numbers, all these problems will be solved.


1. First of all, select all the numbers you want to re-align.

In general, android:gravity='right' is different from android:layoutgravity='right'. The first one affects the position of the text itself within the View, so if you want it to be right-aligned, then layoutwidth= should be either 'fillparent' or 'matchparent'. The second one affects the View's position inside its parent, in other words - aligning the object itself (edit box or text view. Right: With the Right tab, text will end at the tab and flow to the left. Center: The Center tab works similar to centering a line of text but instead of centering between margins, text is centered at the tab location. Decimal: The Decimal tab is used to align numbers and text with a period. This is useful for a group of numbers or a list of.

2. Go to Home tab and click the small arrow at the bottom right corner of Paragraph section.

3. Hit Tabs… button at the bottom left corner of Indents and Spacing tab.

Decimal Align Excel

4. Enter 2 in Tab stop position and choose Decimal under Alignment. Then hit OK to implement all the settings.

5. Now the numbers in Word tables have been re-aligned with the decimal points. You can distinguish the amounts in the table much easier.

Right Align Decimals In Word For Mac Os

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I currently have a listing of positive and negative numbers (ranging from numbers in the tens to hundreds to thousands to millions) and am looking to have all numbers aligned right excluding the ending ')' for all negative numbers. In other words, would like the alignment of all numbers and commas separating the larger numbers to match as you scroll down the listing.
I currently have all cells Aligned Right, but it seems that no matter how I format the cells, I'm unable to get an extra space at the end of the positive numbers to align with the negative numbers. I've tried #,##0_ );;(##,##0), but this doesn't seem to be adding the space at the end of the positive numbers as I expected it to.
Any help would really be appreciated.