Java Se Runtime Environment 8u60

Verification: Packaged in Windows 7 64 bit using JDK 9 178 build. Deployed on Windows 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 10 64bit. Applications runs successfully on deployment. fix verified in java version '9' Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9+178) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9+178, mixed mode)
Don't know and yes we should. I'm not sure how this ever worked, so I suspect it was a recent change or just never found. I don't really care enough to go into version control and use the blame feature.
Why are we shipping a debug compiled version? Shouldn't we be shipping a release version?
I found that the compile options for launcher.exe are wrong in buildSrc/win.gradle: WIN.launcher.ccFlags = ['/nologo', '/W3', '/EHsc', '/D_WINDOWS', '/DUNICODE', '/D_UNICODE', '/DWIN32', '/D_LITTLE_ENDIAN', '/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN', '/I$JDK_HOME/include', '/I$JDK_HOME/include/win32', ccDebugFlags].flatten(); This is missing: '/MT���, So we are linking to the debug Microsoft runtime and msvcp120d.dll isn���t found. However, this isn't shown as an error and there still appears to be issues with the Enesable installer on Windows 8.1 and the launcher still doesn���t work when I fix the issue. Still investigating...
Java se runtime environment 8u60Java Se Runtime Environment 8u60Java Se Runtime Environment 8u60Java
Desktop Central helps administrators to automate patch deployment of both Microsoft and Non-Microsoft Applications from a central point.

Java Runtime Environment 1.8 (x64) Patch DetailsJava Runtime Environment 1.8 (x64) Patches

Patch Name :jre-8u60-windows-x64.exe
Patch Description :Update for Java Runtime Environment X64 (1.8.60)
Bulletin Id :TU-053
Bulletin Title :Java Runtime Environment 8 Updates
Severity :Critical
Location Path :jre-8u60-windows-x64.exe
Bulletin Summary:Java Runtime Environment 8 Updates
Superceding Bulletin Id :TU-053
Patch Release Date :Aug 18, 2015
Product NameService Pack Name
Java Runtime Environment 1.8 (x64)Java Runtime Environment 1.8 (x64)

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Download Java SE Runtime Environment 8 x64. At the time of writing this I saw version: Java SE Runtime Environment 8u60 (8u73 & 8u74 for March 7th update).

Java Platform Jdk 8u60

  1. Java version “1.8.060” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.060-b27) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.60-b23, mixed mode).
  2. Jre-8u60-windows-x64.exe: Patch Description: Update for Java Runtime Environment X64 (1.8.60) Bulletin Id: TU-053: Bulletin Title: Java Runtime Environment 8 Updates: Severity: Critical: Location Path: jre-8u60-windows-x64.exe: Bulletin Summary: Java Runtime Environment 8 Updates: Superceding Bulletin Id: TU-053: Patch Release Date: Aug.