Fallout 4 Spouse Alive

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Jun 08, 2017 If the holotape doesn't spawn, open the console and type ‘help nate 4’, find the NOTE Nate’s Journal and note its ID, then type ‘player.additem 1’ (the ID changes between versions). In 2227, the Sole Survivor and their spouse are reawakened by two seen unknown individuals and one off-screen, who open the spouse's cryogenic tube with the intent of kidnapping Shaun.

Biography and appearance
Playable character
LocationSanctuary Hills
Vault 111
FamilyNate (husband)
Shaun (son)
Dialogue FileNora's dialogue
Base ID00000000Ref ID00000000
ActorCourtenay Taylor

Nora is the wife of Nate, living in Sanctuary Hills in 2077. She is the template for creating a female character.

  • 1Background
  • 2Interactions with the player character



A Juris Doctor graduate of the Suffolk County School of Law,[1] Nora married Nate and had a son, Shaun, within a year of the war. On October 23, 2077, a Vault-Tec salesman spoke to the family and confirmed their spot in Vault 111. Fortunately, he arrived in the nick of time: moments later, a newscaster reported that nuclear detonations had been confirmed in the United States, and warned the Boston area of the looming destruction. Nate, Nora and Shaun, along with all those who had signed up for Vault residency, all rushed to Vault 111 and become trapped above the Vault as a warhead, launched by the Yangtze-31, hit the region.

Out of time

Upon arrival in the Vault, Nora was ushered into a Vault 111 jumpsuit, and into a 'decontamination chamber'. In reality, Vault 111 was a Vault-Tec experiment to study the long term effects of suspended animation on unaware subjects.[2] Although the staff mutinied and the Vault was left abandoned for decades, Nate, Nora, and Shaun were unfrozen in 2227 by one Conrad Kellogg, under the orders of The Institute.

Death (optional)

Despite a short struggle, Nate/Nora was shot dead by Kellogg and left in their cryo-chamber to rot, leaving the survivor spouse-less.[3]

Welcome Home

After leaving Vault 111, they returned to their former abode, finding their robot, Codsworth, left in his perceptual jovial state for the last 210 years. After quickly searching the neighborhood, Codsworth recommends Concord as the next best place to find Shaun.

Section needed (References - dialogue file needed and household appliances checked for dialogue: Accomplishments, Relationship with each other, lost dog)
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Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

This character has no special interactions.


Fallout 4 Spouse Alive 2

  • If Nora is selected to be the Sole Survivor, then the player chooses her name, appearance, and SPECIAL stats.
  • Nora's appearance can be customized during character creation, regardless of your selection of who to play.


Nora appears only in Fallout 4.


  • Nora's doctorate on the wall of her home in 2077.


  1. Lookout: 'Scanning. Scanning. Accessing pre-war records. Record found. Driver's License S91328862. Lawyer. Ahoy there, citizen. You are hereby conscripted into the Congressional Army.'
    The Sole Survivor: 'You're doing what? You don't have the authority to do that.'
    Lookout: 'We are in desperate times, madame. Proclomation 22 allows all crew members to conscript citizens for the war effort. The captain requests your presence on the bridge. At the double quick, madame.'
    (Lookout's dialogue)
    Note: only if the player character is a female Sole Survivor.
  2. See Vault 111 for details.
  3. Dependent on player character.
FalloutVault Dweller ·Max Stone ·Albert Cole ·Natalia Dubrovhsky ·Arnold Black ·Barney Black ·Tanya MacMillen ·Frank Charles Luciano
Fallout 2Chosen One ·Chitsa ·Mingan ·Narg
Fallout 3Lone Wanderer ·Ralph Peabody ·Davey MacDonald ·Mavis Quackenbush ·Bob (Last Name Withheld) ·Porkchops The Fish Lady ·Nostrildamus
Fallout: New VegasCourier ·Basil Crowcross ·Wyatt Pinkerton ·Elizabeth Fortunate-Bradley ·Eulogy Smith ·Gary 666 ·Edgar Wellington III ·Samuel McDonald ·Anthea Littlehorn ·Opie Moriarty ·Michael Falin ·Gordon Cram-say ·Billie DeLoria ·Albert Tenpenny
Fallout 4Sole Survivor (Nate ·Nora)
Fallout 76Residents
Fallout TacticsWarrior ·Mick ·Snake ·Peter ·Betty ·Wilma
Fallout: BoSInitiate ·Cain ·Cyrus ·Nadia ·Patty ·Rhombus ·Vault Dweller
Italics denote characters listed in official strategy guides
CharactersPre-WarSole Survivor (Nate ·Nora) ·Codsworth ·Shaun ·Mr. Able ·Mrs. Able ·Baker ·DiPietro ·Mrs. Rosa ·Rosa's son ·Jahani ·Russell ·Mr. Whitfield ·Mrs. Whitfield ·Mr. Smith ·Neighbor ·Soldier
Post-WarPreston Garvey ·Jun Long ·Marcy Long ·Mama Murphy ·Sturges ·Settler ·Provisioner ·Trashcan Carla
QuestsMainWar Never Changes ·Out of Time
SideSanctuary ·Taking Point: (location) ·Raider Troubles at (location)
LocationsHouse of Tomorrow ·Root cellar
CharactersSole Survivor (Nate ·Nora) ·Mrs. Callahan ·Mr. Callahan ·Mr. Able ·Mrs. Able ·Shaun ·Mr. Russell ·Mr. DiPietro ·Cindy Cofran ·Mrs. Whitfield ·Mrs. Cofran ·Mr. Whitfield ·Mr. Cofran ·Stanley ·Nordhagen ·Overseer (Vault 111) ·Vault-Tec staff ·Vault-Tec security ·Vault-Tec scientist ·Vault-Tec doctor ·Neighbor
QuestsOut of Time ·War Never Changes
OtherVault 111 jumpsuit ·Vault 111 jumpsuit – new ·Vault 111 security armor ·Cryolater
Retrieved from 'https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Nora?oldid=2142508'

Most gaming fans out there know about Fallout 4 and the story line behind it and if you don’t here it is:

The story begins on the morning of October 23, 2077 at the player character’s home Sanctuary Hills, with the player character, their spouse (Nate or Nora depending on the player character’s gender), their son Shaun, and their robotic butler, Codsworth. As the player character is preparing for an event at the Veteran’s Hall in Cambridge, a representative from Vault-Tec comes to inform them that their family is approved for admittance into Vault 111, the local fallout shelter. Moments later, a news bulletin warns of an incoming nuclear attack, prompting the family to evacuate to the Vault. They enter just as a nuclear bomb explodes. Upon entering the Vault, the player character and their family are tricked into entering cryogenic tubes by the Vault-Tec staff and frozen alive. After an unknown period of time, the player character and their spouse are re-awakened by two strangers, and the player witnesses Shaun’s kidnapping and their spouse’s murder. The player is put back into cryogenic sleep, but manages to get free themselves when the life support system malfunctions. The player discovers that they are the sole survivor of Vault 111, and vows to avenge their spouse’s death and find Shaun.

The player character, known as the Sole Survivor, heads home to find Sanctuary Hills in ruins. The Sole Survivor meets a distraught Codsworth, revealing that 210 years have passed since the war. Codsworth suggests that the player character to go to Concord for help, where the Sole Survivor rescues Preston Garvey—one of the last of the Commonwealth Minutemen—and his band of settlers from a group of raiders. After assisting Garvey and his group, the player is recommended to travel to Diamond City, a fortified settlement based in the ruins of Fenway Park,where they meet Piper, an intrepid reporter. From her they learn about a secretive organization called the Institute terrifying the Commonwealth, kidnapping people from their homes and sometimes replacing them with “synths,” synthetic human beings indistinguishable from real humans.

The Sole Survivor seeks out Nick Valentine, a detective based in Diamond City, to locate their son, but soon learns that Valentine went missing two weeks previously. After finding Valentine—who is revealed to be a second-generation synth; a sophisticated bio-mechanical android—the Sole Survivor uncovers the identity of their spouse’s killer, a man named Conrad Kellogg. The Sole Survivor tracks down Kellogg and learns from him that Shaun is currently in the Institute. The player kills Kellogg, avenging their spouse’s murder, and retrieves a cybernetic implant from his brain, then heads to Goodneighbor to seek help from Doctor Amari—a scientist skilled in neuroscience—to access the dead mercenary’s memories. During their hunt for Kellogg, the Survivor also witnesses the Brotherhood of Steel arriving in the Commonwealth with the Prydwen, their mobile airship headquarters, and has the option to travel to Boston Airport to offer their assistance to the Brotherhood in the fight against the Institute.

After viewing Kellogg’s memories, the Sole Survivor is then tasked to go to the Glowing Sea—the ground zero of the nuclear blast shown early in the game—to find Brian Virgil, an ex-Institute scientist, to get help infiltrating the Institute. According to Virgil, the only way to enter or exit the Institute is with a teleportation chip that only Institute Coursers—trained synth killers—possess. The player must then track down and kill a Courser in order to obtain the chip.

The Sole Survivor tracks down the secretive Railroad organization for assistance decoding the chip. The Railroad is dedicated to rescuing synths from the Institute, believing them to be oppressed by their creators and mistreated by the inhabitants of the Commonwealth. After they decode the chip for the player, the Railroad asks for their assistance in fighting the Institute, in which the player can accept or decline.

Virgil provides the blueprints for a device to hijack the Institute’s Molecular Relay signal and teleport into the Institute using the chip data. The Sole Survivor has the choice to ally with the Minutemen, the Railroad, or the Brotherhood to construct the relay device. The player successfully enters the Institute, where they discover that their son Shaun is now an old man and the director of the Institute. Shaun reveals that he was kidnapped from the Vault as a specimen for synth experiments thanks to his pure pre-war DNA, and that the Sole Survivor remained in stasis for a further sixty years before being awoken again. Shaun later reveals that he is dying of cancer and wishes for the player to take up his role as Institute Director and continue the organization’s plans for the future of the Commonwealth.

Anyways Bethesda has released all 6 add-ons for the games which consist of The Mechanist, Wasteland Workshop, Far Harbor, Contraptions Workshop, Vault-Tec Workshop and Nuka-World. Each DLC added heaps of new content but Far Harbor and Nuka-World added entire new maps and locations in game.

Fallout 4 Spouse Alive Images

So Far Harbor was the third add-on to the game, it was released on the 19th of May 2016 and this is a basic run down of the story: The add-on starts off when the player character listens to a radio message from Valentine’s Detective Agency after completing the quest Getting a Clue. Arriving at the office, Ellie Perkins will tell Nick and the Sole Survivor to investigate the case of Kasumi Nakano – the missing daughter of a fisherman living beyond the northeast boundaries of the Commonwealth. A brief investigation at Nakano’s house will tell the player character that Kasumi believes herself to be a synth replacement, and that she’s decided to leave her parents and travel to a place far north called Far Harbor to be with people like her.

Fallout 4 Spouse Alive Mod

Travelling to Far Harbor, the Sole Survivor learns that on the island, there are three factions that have been in tense dispute with each other: Far Harbor’s citizens, the Church of the Children of Atom, and Acadia, a place specially set up as a synth refuge. The reason for the tension is the radiated fog that has been slowly overcoming the island; the people of Far Harbor cannot live with the fog and they use machines called Fog Condensers to create fresh air, an act viewed as sacrilege by the Children of Atom who worship radiation and consider the fog the will of Atom to make the whole island a holy place. Stuck between the two sides is Acadia, which only wants peace and harmony. The leader of Acadia, a synth named DiMA, provides the townspeople with the Fog Condensers while at the same time giving the Children of Atom their own base, a submarine for them to live. But as tensions rise, Acadia is under pressure from both factions to take a side and help eradicate the other.

Upon reaching Acadia, it is revealed that DiMA is a unique model synth like Nick, and calls him a “brother”. DiMA explains that he couldn’t bear seeing Nick going through all the cruel experiments in the lab and so, about a century earlier, DiMA made an escape with Nick from the Institute. However once outside, Nick started to panic and attacked DiMA as he was still under the effects of the experiments, forcing DiMA to “knock the daylights” out of Nick and then leave him to his fate. When the two meet again, DiMA is very pleased to be reunited with his brother, though the case does not appear to be so with Nick.

Back to the present, DiMA shows no hostility towards the Sole Survivor, expressing that everyone is welcome at Acadia and that he hopes to find a solution to the dispute without any bloodshed. To do that, he needs to retrieve his early memories of the island that have been locked away at the Children of Atom base. The raw capacity of his model does not allow him to store a large amount of memories. Since the Sole Survivor is unknown on the island, DiMa entrusts the task to the player character.


Successfully taking back the memories, the Sole Survivor learns that DiMA himself, though he initially appears friendly and keeps the peoples interest at best, has some deep-buried secrets related to the conflict on the island. Before he set up Acadia, tensions between Far Harbor and synths were high. DiMA, desperate to find a way for his people, decided to kill Captain Avery and replace her with a synth – something he shows great remorse and guilt about – so he can have a “moderate voice” able to calm the residents of Far Harbor. Second, he devised a contingency plan to shut down the power source of Far Harbor which would effectively kill all of its residents. Lastly, he possesses the detonation key of the submarine’s nuclear missile that, if activated, will destroy the Children of Atom base. All three of the pieces of memory are locked away from DiMA himself, as he can bear neither the thought of mass killing, nor the guilt over the murder he committed.

From here the player character will get the chance to decide the fate of Acadia. and subsequently the fate of the island as well. He or she can destroy either the Far Harbor town, destroy the Children of Atom, or if they have sided with either of the three main-game factions, can have the Institute reclaim all the synths or have the Brotherhood annihilate Acadia. The player can also forge a peace between all three factions by forgiving DiMA and supplanting High Confessor Tektus with a synth replacement, effectively pacifying the Children of Atom.

Hope you enjoyed

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