Create Flash Objects

In Animate, you can create several different kinds of graphic objects by using different drawing modes and drawing tools. Each kind has its own advantages and disadvantages. By understanding the capabilities of the different graphic object types, you can make good decisions about which types of objects to use in your work. First, open your object up and convert it to a symbol in Flash. It doesn't matter if it's a graphic or movie clip, just make sure it's a symbol. Next, click on the symbol you just created and go to 'properties'. Find the section called 'color effect' then find the drop down menu. 5.1 Merge (shape) vs. Flash has two drawing models: The merge model will erase shapes below something you draw (but not graphic objects as defined next) The object drawing model draws shapes as separate objects (that you later can manipulate like in a typical vector graphics program). These objects can be dragged and dropped to the design palette. To create the layout: Start by dragging a Panel object from under the Layout node to the design palette. Notice as you drag the panel around the edge of the palette, the guidelines are displayed in blue. Use these guides to aid you in aligning objects. The this Keyword. In a function definition, this refers to the 'owner' of the function. In the example above, this is the person object that 'owns' the fullName function. In other words, this.firstName means the firstName property of this object.

The Flash Objects API letsextension developers build objects that create simple SWF filesthrough Flash Generator. This API provides a way to set parametersin a Flash Generator template and output as a SWF file, or imagefile. The API lets you create new Flash objects as well as readand manipulate existing Flash objects.

The SWT file is a Flash Generator Template file, which containsall the information necessary for you to construct a Flash Objectfile. These API functions let you create a SWF file (or image file)from an SWT file. The SWF file is created by replacing the parametersof the SWT file with real values. For more information on Flash,see the Flash documentation. The following functions are methodsof the SWFFile object.

Create Flash Objects

This function generatesa new Flash Object file with the specified template and array ofparameters. It also creates a GIF, PNG, JPEG, and MOV versions ofthe title if filenames for those formats are specified.

Create Flash Objects Crossword

If you want to specify an optionalparameter that follows optional parameters that you do not wantto include, you need to specify empty strings for the unused parameters.For example, if you want to specify a PNG file, but not a GIF file,you need to specify an empty string before specifying the PNG filename.

templateFile, templateParams, swfFileName, {gifFileName}, {pngFileName}, {jpgFileName}, {movFileName}, {generatorParams}

  • The templateFile argument is a path to a templatefile, which is expressed as a file:// URL. This file can be a SWTfile.

  • The templateParams argument is an array of name/valuepairs where the names are the parameters in the SWT file, and thevalues are what you want to specify for those parameters. For Dreamweaverto recognize a SWF file as a Flash object, the first parameter mustbe 'dwType'. Its value should be a string thatrepresents the name of the object type, such as 'Flash Text'.

  • The swfFileName argument, which is expressed as afile:// URL, is the output filename of an SWF file or an empty stringto ignore.

  • The gifFileName argument, which is expressed as afile:// URL, is the output filename of a GIF file. This argumentis optional.

  • The pngFileName argument, which is expressed as afile:// URL, is the output filename of a PNG file. This argumentis optional.

  • The jpgFileName argument, which is expressed as afile:// URL, is the output filename of a JPEG file. This argumentis optional.

  • The movFileName argument, which is expressed as afile:// URL, is the output filename of a QuickTime file. This argumentis optional.

  • The generatorParams argument is an array of stringsthat represents optional Generator command line flags. This argumentis optional. Each flag’s data items must follow it in the array.Some commonly used flags are listed in the following table:

    Option Flag





    Width, height

    Sets the output image size to the specifiedwidth and height

    '-defaultsize', '640', '480'


    Stretches the contents in the output imageto fit exactly into the specified output size


A stringthat contains one of the following values:

  • 'noError' meansthe call completed successfully.

  • 'invalidTemplateFile' means the specifiedtemplate file is invalid or not found.

  • 'invalidOutputFile' means at least one ofthe specified output filenames is invalid.

  • 'invalidData' means that one or more ofthe templateParams arguments’ name/value pairs is invalid.

  • 'initGeneratorFailed' means the Generatorcannot be initialized.

  • 'outOfMemory' means there is insufficientmemory to complete the operation.

  • 'unknownError' means an unknown error occurred.

Thefollowing JavaScript creates a Flash object file of type 'myType',which replaces any occurrences of the string 'text' insidethe Template file with the string, 'Hello World'.It creates a GIF file as well as a SWF file.

This functionreturns the natural size of any uncompressed Flash content.

  • The fileName argument, which is expressed as a file://URL, is a path to the Flash content.

Anarray that contains two elements that represent the width and theheight of an uncompressed SWF file or a null valueif the file is not an uncompressed SWF file.

Flash Objects Free

This functionreturns the Flash object type; the value that passed in the dwType parameterwhen the SWFFile.createFile() function createdthe file.

  • The fileName argument, which is expressed as a file://URL, is a path to a Flash Object file. This file is usually a SWFfile.

A stringthat represents the object type, or null if thefile is not a Flash Object file or if the file cannot be found.

Shockwave Flash Object Update

Thefollowing code checks to see if the test.swf file is a Flash objectof type myType:

  • The fileName argument, which is expressed as a file://URL, is a path to a Flash Object file.

Anarray of strings where the first array element is the full pathto the template SWT file. The following strings represent the parameters(name/value pairs) for the object. Each name is followed in thearray by its value. The first name/value pair is 'dwType',followed by its value. The function returns a null valueif the file cannot be found or if it is not a Flash Object file.

What Is Shockwave Flash Object

Calling var params = SWFFile.readFile('file:///MyMac/test.swf') returnsthe following values in the parameters array: