- Hornady 9th Reloading Manual Download
- Hornady 9th Edition Reloading Manual
- Hornady 9th Edition Reloading Manual

The Hornady 'Handbook of Cartridge Reloading: 9th Edition' has been completely revised and updated and contains load data for almost every cartridge available, including the some latest developments like the 17 Hornet, 327 Federal Magnum, 356 Winchester, 5.56x45mm, 416 Barrett and 505 Gibbs.
The Hornady 'Handbook of Cartridge Reloading: 9th Edition' has been completely revised and updated and contains load data for almost every cartridge available, including the some latest developments like the 17 Hornet, 327 Federal Magnum, 356 Hornady Handbook Of Cartridge Reloading 9th Edition Manual. Jan 9, 2017 - Explore patmorganthaler's board 'Reloading manual' on Pinterest. See more ideas about Reloading, Reloading ammo, Reloading manual. Reloaders will find the 9th Edition Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading an invaluable resource for their bench. You'll find over 900 pages representing data of all the newest Hornady bullets like the NTX, GMX and FTX, plus longtime favorites like the V-MAX, SST, InterBond, Interlock, A-MAX, XTP and more. Mar 30, 2020 Download HORNADY RELOADING MANUAL 9TH EDITION PDF book pdf free download link or read online here in PDF. Read online HORNADY RELOADING MANUAL 9TH EDITION PDF book pdf free download link book now. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it.
I posted this a few days ago in the deer hunting form, and was advised should post in the reloading software.....have a question about the 308 load data in the Hornady Reloading manual. This is in the 9th and 10th edition manuals and as far back as the 7th edition. On the 308 page of 165 grain bullets, it shows the # 30459 Interbond as a 2.750 C.O.L. for this bullet. I reload this bullet and I know if using a full load, like 44 grains for example, and Varget is listed as MAX at 44 grains, but I do not go that far. I use IMR 4064 at 43.5 grains and you cannot seat that bullet to 2.750 C.O.L. I seat at 2.800 C.O.L. and have got excellent results, but no way 2.750 C.O.L. Contacted Hornady this afternoon and they wasn't very helpful. Said they did not list IMR 4064 for that bullet and 2.750 C.O.L. was correct. I do not believe it. Right below thiis bullet is the #3040 and the #3045 and they are much shorter and listed at 2.750 C.O.L. which in a M70 my gun is correct....reload these at this C.O.L. Look how much shorter these are compared to the # 30459 Interbond. Would appreciate it if some with some experience loading this bullet would chime in as what they think. Thanks.

Got a 7th edition of Hornady reloading manual and on page 448 in the manual for a Winchester 308 it shows the 165-168 bullets.....the #30459 IB (Interbond) C.O.L is 2.750 and the #3040 SP C.O.L. is 2.750 also. I have loaded the #3040 SP, which is the Interlock, for years and the 2.750 I know is correct, but the C.O.L. for the #30459 IB (Interbond) has got to be wrong, and I believe it should be 2.800. The bullet is much longer than the #3040 SP and when you load the Interbond #30459 with with your powder you cannot get the bullet to load that deep (2.750) without crushing the powder if near a full load. I loaded some of the #30459 Interbond (165 grain) this morning and at 2.800 C.O.L. shot some excellent groups. Someone chime in with your thoughts on this, I believe this listing is wrong until I see different.
Hornady 9th Reloading Manual Download

Hornady 9th Edition Reloading Manual

Hornady 9th Edition Reloading Manual